الثلاثاء، 31 أغسطس 2010

Ubuntu Maverick on VirtualBox

The third alpha release of Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat was just released, so I figured I'd give it a shot in the ol' VirtualBox VM.

The Pros: Mouse pointer integration is built-in, so you don't have to deal with reinstalling Guest Additions every time you do a kernel update.

The Cons: Since Maverick started using a new X-Server (1.9), Guest Additions no longer do their acceleration and resolution magic. This includes manually adding resolutions to the xorg.conf, so until something changes, it's 800x600 all the way...

UPDATE (9/30/2010): Looks like the open source edition of VirtualBox has us covered now. Just open up a terminal and type (all one line):
sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-$(uname -r) ; sudo apt-get install virtualbox-ose-guest-x11
Thanks for the tip, Anonymous!

I'm putting this here for my own reference, but if you want to automatically mount your host's shared directory in your Linux guest OS, you can edit /etc/fstab thusly:
[host's name of directory] [mount point] vboxsf defaults 0 0
which, for me, translates to:
vbox_share /media/vbox vboxsf defaults 0 0
No more tedious mounting and no mucking around with startup scripts running as root...

Something else I've encountered, not specific to Maverick, but I figured I'd share it here anyway:

I decided to give BTRFS a shot, so I formatted my partitions with it (it still won't support booting, so I had to make a small boot partition with ext4, but / and /home are BTRFS). Unfortunately, there is a hellacious bug somewhere that causes apt-get update/upgrade to be godawful slow (like, 4 hrs. for a big-but-still-reasonable upgrade) with this FS. However, I came across this blog post that suggests using a patched copy of dpkg, which is available from this ppa, which specializes in BTRFS-optimized packages. To add the PPA, add it to your sources in Synaptic or open a terminal and type:
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:brian-rogers/btrfs
Then just update/upgrade as usual. The package comes with a pretty scary warning about how it can hose your system, so you should take frequent snapshots (that's why you're using BTRFS anyway, right? Right??). Unfortunately, this didn't really fix my problem, so it's back to ext4 for me. :(

Once perk of reinstalling using the latest Beta release package is that I got to check out the new installer. It looks really nice and they've done some really smart things with concurrency whereby it starts installing your system before it asks you all of the time-consuming personalization questions. All in all, installation was easy and fast, fast, fast!

Everything else appears unchanged since Lucid.

I'll update this post as I find anything else out. If anyone has anything to add, feel free to leave a comment.

السبت، 21 أغسطس 2010

Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat on Acer AspireOne

One caveat before you read any further: my AspireOne is old as hell (9" w/ 8GB SSD) and these problems/fixes may not work on newer models.

Ok, now with that out of the way, I've got some good news: Maverick works great on my AO. Installation was fast and painless (it only took around 20 min., I think), and booting is super-quick (something like 15 seconds to a working desktop in my experience). Wireless works out-of-the-box, as does the wifi activity light :O. Unfortunately, the SD card slots are still b0rked. To get them working, we can use the same fix from my previous AO/Ubuntu post:

Open up a terminal and type:
sudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/options
Then paste in:
options sdhci debug_quirks=1
Reboot and you should be all set.

I also ran into a problem trying to create shared directories using samba. The system automatically installs the samba packages just fine, but when I try to actually make a share, it fails with the error "Failed to execute child process "testparm" (No such file or directory)." If this problem affects you, too, hop back into your terminal and type:
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/testparm.samba3 /usr/bin/testparm ; sudo ln -s /usr/bin/net.samba3 /usr/bin/net
This should get you all fixed up. You don't even need to reboot again.

Some other things to note about this new release:
1. Virtualbox no longer needs Guest Additions installed to utilize mouse pointer integration.
2. The new unity netbook interface sucks. I think the idea of putting the launcher bar on the left is great, and I like the look of it, but I could never track down where they had the gnome-terminal hidden, and it wouldn't show up when I searched for it in their application search applet. Also, hitting Alt+F2 wouldn't bring up the execution prompt, so after a few minutes of frustration, I uninstalled it and went back to the standard interface.

I'm happy to see the improvements they've made in this new release and I look forward to seeing what else comes in before the upcoming feature freeze. If you run into any other problems with this release, drop me a comment and I'll help however I can. Also, keep an eye on my PPA for packages of bsnes v1.0, which should be optimized enough for use on your AspireOne netbook.

الأربعاء، 18 أغسطس 2010

The Runup to bsnes v1.0

As a kid, I was lucky enough to have grown up during the Golden Age of console gaming. I am old enough to have played some Ataris and my older brother had a regular Nintendo Entertainment System when I was really young, but the first console I personally owned was the Super NES (or SNES).

The SNES was a pivotal piece of hardware in console gaming. Prior to the 16-bit era, hardware limitations in gaming consoles necessitated that graphics be highly representational and storage constraints were a burden on many developers. This all changed with the SNES, which could produce graphics that were good enough to not impede storytelling and which used cartridges that had enough storage to encapsulate some truly lengthy and epic games.

Early SNES Emulation

Just as the SNES heralded a new period in console gaming, the emergence of popular SNES emulators in the late 1990s changed the landscape of the PC console emulation scene. ZSNES and SNES9x pushed to the forefront of the scene with good compatibility for most popular, commercially available games through a variety of game-specific hacks and the ability to run full-speed on the prevalent hardware of the time (90 mhz Pentium IIs).

However, despite the compatibility hacks, these early emulators experienced a number of emulation bugs that range from minor to rather serious. For example, ZSNES runs games at approximately 140% speed and some games experience graphical glitches. Many games that use special hardware, such as SuperFX chips, run very slowly or not at all. Some more obscure games, such as Speedy Gonzales, experience show-stopping bugs that completely halt progress in the game. Nevertheless, gamers accepted these foibles and adoption of these early emulators was widespread. As time went on, though, the authors' enthusiasm for squashing bugs waned and development on these early emulators slowed to a crawl. Furthermore, the code behind these early emulators was esoteric and poorly documented, making a significant barrier to entry for potential newcomers to contribute to their development.

A New Challenger

Fast forward to 2004.

A ROM-hacker that goes by the name 'byuu' became interested in writing his own SNES emulator from scratch in his spare time, so he could better understand how the SNES works. Instead of focusing on speed, byuu focused on accuracy, debugging functionality and clean code. This shift in focus was revolutionary for several reasons:
1.) Compatibility would no longer require hacks. If the emulation of SNES hardware is perfect, it stands to reason that all games that work on real hardware should work on the emulator.
2.) The code would be self-documenting and would also document the hardware of the SNES. Someone reading the code could see not only that 'this is how the emulator does it' but that 'this is how SNES hardware does it,' which is of utmost importance to digital archivists and preservationists.
3.) System requirements would be extremely high, putting such an emulator far out of reach of older systems, even those that could run previous emulators at full speed.

The first public release of this emulator, dubbed bsnes, was in May of 2005. At the time, the code was completely unoptimized and bsnes still experienced a variety of issues that were not present in previous emulators. However, byuu made rapid progress and a number of other talented programmers, including GiGO--the author SnesGT, another SNES emulator--and blargg--the author of QuickNES--supplied components for cycle-level emulation of different pieces of SNES hardware.

Unfortunately, these early releases had very steep requirements to run (Richard Bannister's port of bsnes to Apple's OS X initially required a then-top-of-the-line G5 CPU to even approach playable framerates), and many early users were turned off by the project, assuming it was simply a proof-of-concept. Eventually, though, PC hardware advances and byuu's code optimizations met somewhere in the middle, with bsnes emerging as a playable, extremely accurate SNES emulator.

Soon, bsnes had become the first and only SNES emulator capable of full SPC7110 emulation, SPC700 cycle-level emulation and full Super Gameboy hardware emulation. Even cheat codes were implemented faithfully by emulating the way a Game Genie would interact with actual SNES hardware. Additionally, byuu's clean code and commitment to openness allowed bsnes to be ported to all major, modern operating systems, including MS Windows, OS X and Linux.

Modern Innovations

After reaching maturity, bsnes gained many of the features users enjoyed in ZSNES and SNES9x, such as software filters that would improve the look of pixelated SNES sprites on high-definition, flat-panel monitors, as well as some modern features that were not possible in earlier emulators, such as hardware-based shader effects.

By June 2010, bsnes had achieved 100% compatibility with all commercially released games while still being playable on standard, albeit modern, hardware, so byuu set out to tackle one of the final frontiers of SNES emulation: a dot-based S-PPU rendering core.

Up to this point, bsnes, like all other SNES emulators before it, had used a scanline-based rendering core, which would fetch and display data entire scanlines at a time. In contrast, actual SNES hardware would only fetch and display data one dot at a time. While this did not make much difference in a majority of games, some games, such as Air Strike Patrol, used dot-level calculations to show certain effects; in ASP's case, the shadow of the plane (using scanline-based rendering, ASP shows no shadow at all, which makes it really tough to accurately drop bombs on targets). Likewise, some games used dot-based effects to create a faux transparency, similar to the artistic technique of pointillism.

Unfortunately, using this new hyper-accurate rendering engine incurred a nearly 40% reduction in emulation speed, once again making full-speed gameplay difficult-to-impossible, even on state-of-the-art hardware (at the time of this writing, including Intel i7 CPUs). This left byuu with a dilemma: continue using the most faithful, accurate emulation code available at the risk of again alienating users and creating what amounts to an unplayable benchmark or sacrifice accuracy to maintain playability.

The Future of bsnes

This crossroads led to much discussion on byuu's message board, with some users suggesting he go with the most accurate code and just wait for the hardware to catch up, while others suggested he fork the code into two separate projects, an accurate emulator and a fast one.

Rather than compromise on any of his core goals for bsnes, byuu decided on a third option in which he would enable users to choose at runtime among three distinct processing cores for bsnes: an 'accuracy' core that focuses entirely on accuracy and is only intended for research purposes, a 'compatibility' core that maintains modest requirements with high compatibility (this core is similar to that of bsnes v0.067), and a 'performance' core that makes small sacrifices in accuracy and code readability to make bsnes faster than it has ever been (so fast, in fact, that it can run most games at full speed on an Intel Atom 240).
These three cores will be included in the upcoming 1.0 release of bsnes, according to byuu. UPDATE: The three cores were included in v0.068! Windows users can download it at byuu.org/bsnes and Ubuntu users can get it from my PPA.

While he has not given any estimated release date for version 1.0, he has already begun beta testing the cores against each other and against actual SNES hardware to spot any remaining bugs. Additionally, leading up to v1.0, byuu has solidified his API for libsnes, a portable core library at the heart of bsnes, which can be used to drive lightweight, platform-specific graphical interfaces created by the community.

In the future, bsnes will serve a dual role: a modern, highly accurate emulation platform through which everyday users can relive their glory days, as well as a pristine, functional archive of SNES hardware. Like the Rosetta Stone, bsnes will be a digital translator that will ensure that SNES games can be understood and executed even without working SNES hardware. Thanks to byuu's unique and tireless efforts, the SNES will never disappear, even after the last console turns to dust.

If any Debian/Ubuntu users would like to try bsnes, I have builds of the latest publicly available code published in my PPA.

الأربعاء، 11 أغسطس 2010

piecemontee's SF4 Viewer Now Open Source!

Piecemontee is a swell guy who created one of the more vital tools to Street Fighter 4 modding, known variously as the SF4 Viewer or SF4 Asset Explorer. This tool allows modders to decompress SF4 files (no more offzip! yay!), extract textures (no more dragon unpacker! yay!) and obj models (unique to the Asset Explorer AFAIK...yay!), and then reinject modified versions of these assets back into the game (no more infuser! yay!). It also enables modders to view their work within the program instead of having to load the entire game up each time.

The version of the SF4 Viewer that is most widely used is 0.33, but piecemontee made some significant strides since that release and has since released another stable version (0.35) and an unstable beta (0.36ik; you can get these and other versions here). From piecemontee (regarding the unstable version):
[I]t includes preliminary animation display (open up .cmn.emz / .cos.emz and .col.emz then go to the EMO model to see a new combo to select the stance)
I tried to display BCM input commands as well but I don't remember how far I got I planned to allo input commands edition
Warning this version is buggy as hell and if I remember well you cannot resize the window after loading a model

Here's a screenshot of the animation viewer in action:
Yeah, it's a little fucked up, but it's a start!

In addition to these newer versions, piecemontee gave the modding community the best gift anyone could ask for: he opened up the source code for anyone to work on or add new features! The program uses DirectX 9 and pure Win32, so anyone who has experience with these APIs can head on over to SourceForge and check out the code, via mercurial.

Piecemontee told me that he doesn't have the time nowadays to continue hacking away at the SF4 Viewer. However, now that the source code is available, there is the possibility that someone will modify it to work with assets from Super Street Fighter 4 on Xbox360. According to a post over at the XeNTaX forums (from this thread), all it probably needs is for someone to switch the "endianness" (from big to small or vice versa, I guess) and it will be able to view/import things just fine. At that point, we should be pretty close to importing assets from SSF4 into vanilla. :D

If anyone wants more information on this or is interested in adding new features, feel free to leave a comment here, PM me on the Shoryuken forums (my handle there is hunterk), or give me a buzz via sf4mods.pbworks.com.